St Thomas More Catholic High School


To apply for a place for your child at St Thomas More Catholic High School, please complete the Cheshire East online application which can be accessed by the following link:

Cheshire East Admissions

As well as this we require additional information to process the applications.  It is therefore necessary for you to complete the Supplementary Information Form and return it to St Thomas More Catholic High School with copies of all supporting documents.

Please note your application may not be placed in the correct admission criteria if you do not submit your Supplementary Information Form and provide the school with the required additional information.  For further information on the allocation of places, please see the Admissions Policy below.

You can email your supplementary information to the following:


In Year Admission Applications 

In year admissions are those arranged at any time during the school year and into any year group.  All applications should be made online via the Cheshire East website the school will then process your application and inform you of the decision.

We would encourage you to contact the school to ask if there are any places in the relevant year group before you apply.


Admissions Documents

 DRAFT Admissions Policy 2026-27Admissions Policy 2025-26


Admissions Policy 2024-25

Supplementary Information Form 2024-2025Supplementary Information Form 2024-25



Admissions Policy 2023-24

Supplementary Information Form 2023-24

Supplementary Information Form 2023-24


Admissions Policy 2022-23Supplementary Information Form 2022-23Supplementary Information Form 2022-23


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