Catholic Ethos and Values
We strive to offer a Christ-centred education with Catholic Social Teaching permeating throughout our relationships, values, standards, curriculum and ethos. We are in pursuit of excellence in all things and believe our high standards and aspirations allow each person, both young and old, to grow and develop taking pride in their achievements. Each individual character is celebrated, encouraged and challenged to inspire others as we aim to be a learning community for all. In order to grow fully we encourage courageous thinking and risk taking in our safe STM environment alongside an ethos of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Our Catholic Social Teachings, bespoke to STM but inspired by the Church, is our mission. We strive in all we do to achieve the Common Good, where there are no exclusions, and we live in a fully inclusive family. Every pupil has a right of equality of education, where each child is known, fostered, nurtured and developed according to their gifts. Our further six Catholic Social Teachings allow us to show dignity and respect to all, to grow together as a family, to look after the creation God has given to us and be charitable and compassionate to other but also to nurture our own success in education.
STM is a welcoming community who open its doors to other schools, colleges, universities, parishes and businesses. We celebrate our local community of Crewe but also open our eyes out into the wider world. We ensure our pupils have the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to make a positive contribution both locally, nationally and internationally through our mission, the curriculum, trips and the diverse range of outside speakers.
STM is a forward thinking school where we believe everyone has an individual calling to be the best possible ‘them’ they can be. For we all are Christ’s body on earth and have all been created with gifts and talents to go out and build God’s Kingdom. We allow all staff and pupils to 'Grow the Gift' where we recognise talents and allow our community members to shine.
This will be achieved through a strong leadership team and governance with a clear vision for Catholic education; a broad, holistic and challenging curriculum which inspires pupils to enjoy their learning and take pride in their achievements; differentiated wider learning opportunities outside the classroom and high standards where pupils feel safe and secure.