St Thomas More Catholic High School

GCSE Food & Nutrition Revision Resources

Additional Resources can be found at the bottom of the page.

GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition


Useful websites:


AQA | GCSE | Food Preparation and Nutrition | Subject content


Seneca - Learn 2x Faster (


AQA | GCSE | Food Preparation and Nutrition | Assessment resources


Food a Fact of Life


BBC Bitesize - Food & Nutrition

NEA – 1

(Not applicable in 2022)

Food Investigation Task 

The food investigation is a controlled task, completed independently, under informal teacher supervision. Students are prepared to approach the task confidently and independently, and to personalise their investigation and written report.


Breakdown of Assessment:

Section A: Research - 6

Section B: Investigation - 15

Section C: Analysis & Evaluation -9


NEA – 2

Food Preparation Task 

Pupil’s plan, prepare and cook three dishes, writing up the outcomes with photographic evidence. Understanding and application of nutritional knowledge will be a requirement of all tasks.


Breakdown of Assessment:

Section A: Researching the Task - 6

Section B: Demonstration of Technical Skills - 18

Section C: Planning for the Final Menu - 8

Section D: Making the Final Dishes - 30

Section E: Analyse & Evaluate - 8

AQA | Teaching guide: NEA


50% of Qualification

  1. Food, nutrition and health
  2. Food science
  3. Food safety
  4. Food choice
  5. Food provenance.

FPN Knowledge Organiser Past Papers can be found here (link):
 AQA | GCSE | Food Preparation and Nutrition | Assessment resources

 AQA GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition Revision Notes