School Day
I am because we are! ‘ubuntu’
‘Our institutions should provide young people with places they can make their own, where they can come and go freely, feel welcome and readily meet other young people, whether at times of difficulty and frustration, or of joy and celebration.’ Pope Francis (218)
Timings of the School Day
Everyone is welcomed into school by Mr Walker and the duty team for that day led by the Progress Leader and SLT. If pupils are arriving at school with any worries or concerns, please inform the duty staff.
The STM Breakfast Club is open for all pupils selling a selection of cereals, hot food and drinks between 7:45am until 8:50am.
Mrs Tee our Attendance Officer is in reception each morning welcoming anyone who has been absent from school and will help them catch up with any work they have missed.
Mrs Williams our receptionist can be found supporting the STM radio show in the morning but she is back in reception available to help any parents/carers at the beginning of the day.
The stationery shop is open before school, break and lunchtime in the Emmaus room allowing pupils the opportunity to buy any equipment they need for a successful day of learning or to talk to one of the Teaching Assistant Team. The Homework Club and Library are available to anyone who needs to catch up on any homework, quite reading or research.
At 8.55am pupils arrive in their form rooms and prepare for the day ahead with their Form Tutor.
Break time
During the break time there are different areas outside for pupils to relax. There are areas for sitting and chatting, areas for ball games and the canteen and hall are open for those who prefer to stay indoors. Duty staff are available to all at break time.
After break time pupils return to their Form Tutor and time reflecting on Building the Kingdom and their day in school.
At lunchtime there are many activities and clubs available. Please see the weekly pupil bulletin.
The canteen team will assist pupils in enjoying a healthy meal. Pupils can always receive a loan for lunch at the Finance Office on the main corridor at lunchtime.
Pupils must queue up politely and be considerate of others, they should not drop any litter and ensure their table is tidy after their lunch. The STM radio will be playing in the hall. The Litter Wardens and Site Team support all our community in keeping our school clean and tidy at all times.
The Duty Staff work with our proactive Year 11 Prefects to ensure that all pupils have a safe and enjoyable lunchtime. A team of Teaching Assistants eat their lunch in the canteen so that pupils have the opportunity to share any concerns.
The stage area is available for Year 11 to socialise during lunchtime. During a wet weather all year groups have their own allocated wet weather bases supervised by the Duty Team and SLT.
The library is open for pupils who wish to read, catch up any work missed or complete any homework. There are various books on the school corridors which pupils are encouraged to take and read and share with others.
End of the day
The duty staff will help pupils to leave the school campus in an orderly manner and we ask pupils to always remember their responsibilities as part of the STM family as they travel home from school. The library is open for pupils who wish to read, catch up any work missed or complete any homework. When pupils wear their uniform it must always be smart and pupils must model our school values and expectations after the school day has ended.
Pupils must tell a member of staff or prefect immediately if they experience any bullying or feel unsafe. If pupils have any ideas/suggestions about how time between lessons can be improved, they should speak to their form tutor, their Student Council representative, or a member of the STM Safety Team.
‘We don’t come fully formed into the world. We learn how to think, how to walk, how to speak, how to behave, indeed how to be human from other human beings. We need other human beings in order to be human. We are made for togetherness…to exist in a tender network of interdependence.
That is how you have ubuntu – you care, you are hospitable, you’re gentle, you’re compassionate and concerned.’ Desmond Tutu