St Thomas More Catholic High School

Governing Body

The Local Governing Body of St Thomas More Catholic High School has a strategic role in the school outlining its aims and objectives, setting targets and reviewing progress.  The day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher, Mrs Packham. The Governing Body acts as a critical friend to the Headteacher providing advice, support and challenge where necessary. The Governors work to maintain and strengthen the Catholic ethos of the school so that our pupils can develop spiritually as well as socially and academically.

Mr Jonathon Fisher - Chair of the Local Governing Body

Mr Simon Burns - Vice Chair of the Local Governing Body 


The Governing Body’s key responsibilities are to:

  • Ensure the quality of education provision
  • Challenge and monitor the performance of the school
  • Manage the Academy Trust's finances and property
  • Manage the staff
  • Exercise reasonable skill and care in carrying out their duties
  • Ensure that the Academy Trust complies with charity and company law
  • Operate the Academy in accordance with the Funding Agreement that has been signed by the Secretary of State

The Local Governing Body has delegated the majority of the roles and responsibilities to the following committees which meet on a termly basis and report back to the Local Governing Body each term:

  • Achievement and Progress Committee - Chair: Miss Amelia Wilson
  • Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee - Chair: Mr Jonathon Fisher

Pay Committee - Chair: Mr Jonathon Fisher

Other Committees meet on a needs-driven basis and these include Admissions, Performance Management and Discipline.  We also set up working parties as and when particular needs arise.  The terms of reference for the Governing Body and Committees are available on request from the Clerk to the Governors, Mr Marc Booker.

Clerk to Governors


Intent Statement 2019 - 2020

Governors Annual Report 2022 - 2023


Our Governors

Individual governors are linked to departments in order to foster closer relationships with the staff and so that governors gain a greater awareness of how the curriculum is delivered.  The Special Education Needs governor meets regularly with the SENCo to ensure that we are a fully inclusive school.  Last year we introduced an initiative whereby a governor is in attendance at Consultation Evenings, this gives parents and carers the opportunity to raise any issues or concerns.

Meet our Governors

Statutory Governor Information