Online Safety
We are committed in the fight against CSE, exploitation and supporting professionals, families and victims. We must continue to work together in order to educate, inform and prevent. While this can be a little difficult with the current situation it is not impossible.
For professionals and parents wanting to learn more on CSE a free e learning course is available.
Pace UK (Parents against Child Exploitation)
For the young people we are worried about and more vulnerable to exploitation an online website which we can share for them to access is: Know About Abuse - Young People
Specifically on educating young people to keep themselves safe online share our top 5 tips with our young people.
1. PRIVACY: All social media accounts should be set to private including snapchat's ghost mode being turned on.
2. BASIC BIO'S: Ensure our social media bio does not contain any personal information, including age, full name or school you attend.
3. FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS: Ensure all friends and followers are people you know. Do not accept strangers or people you are not sure of.
4.ONLINE GAMING: Do not respond to private messages from anyone you do not no.
5. UNCOMFORTABLE: Anything that you are not sure of or uncomfortable with report it. Whether it be to parents, teachers, friends or CEOP, ensure you speak to someone and get their advice.
If you have any specific cases and concerns please feel free to contact the service for any advice or information.
Childnet’s mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
Suspicious activity which takes place online can be reported to CEOP using the button above. Suspicious activity can be anything from phishing to strangers making contact with you online.
A Facebook Checklist sheet to check if your privacy settings are correct.
Additional Resources
Remote learning for parentsWhat parents need to know about SteamSupporting children's mental healthRemote learning for children