Friends of St Thomas More
Who are we?
The St Thomas More parents' association is led by a group of willing and enthusiastic parents and supports whose main aim is to create a network of support and to raise money for the school.
Our Activities
To fulfil our mission, we meet regularly and organise fun events for the children to socialise and enjoy being together e. g., Discos, Bingo Nights, etc., and support extra-curricular school events such as the launch of the school magazine.
Our aim is to support initiatives across the school that directly benefit our children such as furnishings for the Technology Department, books for the library, Year 11 cross badges for our leavers, new benches and picnic tables, plants for the peace garden and financial support for the Year 7 Conway Residential.
During the school year we aim to host up to 10 events and on some occasions, we combine them with a committee meeting.
Get involved
The FSTM is run completely by volunteers. We are a diverse group of individuals bringing much enthusiasm, faith, and our own personal set of skills to the team. We will welcome any time you can spare to help.
We can only run our fantastic events with help from you! Whatever time, skills, and ideas you can bring to our organisation will be warmly welcomed.
Our current Chair is Mrs Gudrun Waskett who has a daughter in Year 10 and a son in Year 7.
If you would like to join our FSTM group, please contact the school, marked for the attend of Mrs Packham FSTM