Safeguarding @ STM
This section of our website provides parents and carers with useful information if you are considering our school or have a child who is a pupil at our school.
At St Thomas More Catholic High School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children as demonstrated in our Safeguarding policy (under Key Polices and Statements). We expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.
If you are a pupil looking for information, please check out the following pages:
Safeguarding concerns can be relayed by emailing:Safeguarding@STM
This email service is for initial concerns or queries to be raised and is monitored by the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputies. A member of the Safeguarding Team will make contact following referral e-mails.
Where to find help?
Domestic Abuse
Education and Information Resources
Sexual Abuse/Harassment Support
RASASC (Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre) is a charity that can help you overcome the difficulties that come with sexual abuse, rape and unwanted sexual experiences
Act on in Now - find out what health, unhealthy and toxic relationships look, and get help if you're worried about your relationship or someone else's.
No-one should experience Sexual Harassment – SHOUT it out - Sexual harassment happens so often in the places where young people hang out – in person and online - you’d think it was normal. BUT IT’S NOT. From unwanted touching to sexist name calling, there’s no excuse for this kind of behaviour, and it’s never the fault of the person who is being harassed. Follow the links below to get help and advice on how to spot the signs, who to tell, and where to go for help. Together we can stamp Sexual Harassment OUT.
The Cheshire East Consultation Service (ChECS) is the ‘front door’ for access to services, support and advice for children and their families, from early help and support through to safeguarding and child protection. Phone ChECS on 0300 123 5012 (option 3). Callers will be directed to the appropriate team and relevant personnel more quickly via a range of automated options.
If you need to contact someone out of hours and you believe it to be an emergency that can't wait, please call our Emergency Duty Team on 0300 123 5022
Radicalisation is defined as the process by which people come to support terrorism and violent extremism and, in some cases, to then participate in terrorist groups. There is no obvious profile of a person likely to become involved in extremism or a single indicator of when a person might move to adopt violence in support of extremist ideas. The process of radicalisation is different for every individual and can take place over an extended period or within a very short time frame.Prevent StrategyPrevent One Minute Guide
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
Working Together to Safeguard Children (March 2018) provides a framework for the management of allegations and concerns of suitability made against adults who work with children. The guidance applies to situations which suggest that a person has:
- behaved in away that has harmed, or may have harmed, a child
- possibly committed an offence against, or related to, a child;
- or behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children
The above criteria relates to the adult's behaviour in the workplace, and the community. If there is an allegation made against a member of staff, owner or manager of a setting then the Local Authority Designated Officer ( LADO) should be notified immediately on 01606 288931. Ofsted must also be informed about the allegation.
Online Safety
It can feel like a minefield keeping up with the latest apps that your child may be asking to download and use. Net Aware provides information on current popular sites, apps and games to allow you to make an informed decision. It includes information on age restrictions, ratings, features, potential risks and top tips for parents. NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe Online
Suspicious activity which takes place online can be reported to CEOP
CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection
Below are a range of TOP TIPS for Parents providing relevant information about the latest apps and games.
National College - Online Safety for Parent & Carers
Games console safety informationParent Fact Sheet
Difficult Conversation
There are lots of ways to make it a bit less painful for you both when it comes time to talk about a 'difficult' subject.
NEW Dedicated NSPCC helpline 0800 136 663
This dedicated helpline offers support to:
- All children and young people making current and non-recent disclosures of sexual harassment or abuse on school grounds within school time, and incidents linked to school in any capacity
- Any children or young people who want to talk about being involved or witnessing any incidents
- Any adults who have experienced non-recent abuse
- Parents and carers who have any concerns about their own or other children
- Professionals who work in schools and need support in this or related issues
Operation Encompass
In conjunction with Cheshire Police, St Thomas More is involved in the initiative called "Operation Encompass". The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in, heard or witnessed a domestic abuse incident. Following such an incident, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset, worried and unprepared. Operation Encompass aims to ensure that appropriate school staff (called Key Adults) are made aware early enough to support children and young people in a way that means they feel safe and included.
At STM our Key Adults are Mr McKeown and Mrs Packham.
This is a valuable initiative that means we can continue to support and help children and families within our school community when they need it the most.
For more information, please click on the following link, or contact one of our Key Adults on 01270 568014.