For Children and Young People
YoungMinds advice on wellbeing when self-isolating
Young mental health activists have compiled a first-hand advice piece on looking after your mental health while self-isolating.
BBC Newsround
Has information on the illness itself, and a range of stories connected to its impact for children and young people.
Rethink Mental illness online hub
A variety of resources for support for the self and others
Has information, advice, guidance and support
Student Minds
A variety of resources, advice, guidance and support
For Parents and Carers
Carers UK guide
Carers and young carers will face extra challenges during isolation periods, so Carers UK have prepared a guide.
Practical AAC communication resources
A variety of learning resource tips for those with communication needs, and resources for explaining coronavirus to those with severe communication needs
Guide to helping parents answer questions from their children and to support family wellbeing
National Autistic Society
Advice and guidance for parents, young people and staff
National Autistic Society
For professionals/General
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Services and resources
Centre for Mental Health
Topics and information
Information and support